Centro Bilingüe Internacional Amigos
Friends International Bilingual Center
"It is better to receive good instruction than riches."
"Mejor recibir la buena instrucción que las riquezas."
Address/Direccion: Zona Miraflores, Avenida Hugo Estrada, Nro. 78. Oficina 406, Piso 4, La Paz-BOLIVIA
Contact Information/Contacto:
Cel. 67187427; 67835394
English, Aymara, and Spanish classes
Courses and Workshops for Children
Program Sessions and Courses:

Basic: This course is directed at those who wish to begin learning English, and who have little to no knowledge of the language.
Intermediate: This course consolidates and reinforces English language skills, preparing students to use what they have learned in a real world setting.
Advanced: This courses focuses on strengthening the ability to use English fluently both orally and in a written context with expertise.
Environmental Issues Workshop: This workshop offers an understanding of the importance of taking care of our environment, and builds a consciousness around using environment-saving strategies such as recycling.
Peacemaking Course: This course motivates children to seek inner peace, which in turn will reflect itself throughout their daily lives.
Personalized and quality courses with accessability.
The participants of the different programs are exposed to a style of teaching and learning that is innovative, diverse, and participatory.
We offer a flexible schedule of classes and workshop sessions so that participants can create a schedule that works for them.
Complete and partial scholarships are available for those in need of financial aid.
Workshops and Seminars
Workshops: The various workshops we offer are directed at university students, professionals, and at those who work in pastoral, evangelical and youth ministry.
Seminars: We offer innovative short and long term seminars which provide tools to better the quality of seccular and Christian education. We take into account the different perspectives and needs of each participant, providing an experience that is holistic, integrative and participatory for all.
Translation of texts and simple writing pieces: We translate existing works from English to Spanish and vice versa.
Translation of books: We translate a variety of books, however we primarily focus on those in the area of education
Our translated works are distributed in printed form and digitally (via web).